Tabloid Homosexuality

the 1950s/60s

Confidential, along with its Tabloid Rivals, Whisper,
Uncensored, Vice Squad & More
ruled the supermarket check-out aisles

Exclusive / Exposed
He / Hush Hush
Inside Story
Jet Magazine
National Spotlite

issues shown roughly in date order


March 1949
The Most Glamorous Man in the World: Kitt Russell

(they mispelled name as Kit)


July 1949
Girls Will Be Boys
(not gay, missing cover)

December 1956
Gay Little Manhattan (Kansas)


May 1960

I Am a Lisbian





November 1960

I Run a Gay Bar

July 1963

Homos in Politics



September 1963

How Many Hollywood Playboys Are Gay Boys!


November 1963

How to Keep Your Kid Off Queer Street U.S.A.

July 1964

Why They Call New York 'The Homo Capital of the World'

Below is the intro of the NYT article referred to in this article.

...although if you have very good eyes, you can read it all at This Link
and if you have a subscription it can be found in their archives

and a Letter to the Editor about the above article, Nov 1964
was this a real letter?

November 1964

Homosexuality in Hollywood

July 1967

Boys Will Be Girls: Beauty Contest for Drag Queens Only

November 1967

Who Gets To Kiss the Bride When Homosexuals Marry?


Sex Dens of San Francisco


July  (year unknown

How the Homos Invaded Our Beaches

(need better scan and full article)

September (year unknown)

How Beach Towns Fight the Homo Invasion

Download Whisper Beach Towns article (year unknown)
Courtesy Richard M

If anyone can contribute scanned articles to this page, it would be appreciated