Tabloid Homosexuality

the 1950s/60s

Confidential, along with its Tabloid Rivals, Whisper,
Uncensored, Vice Squad & More
ruled the supermarket check-out aisles

Exclusive / Exposed
He / Hush Hush
Inside Story
Jet Magazine
National Spotlite

issues shown roughly in date order

Uncensored 1954 - 1964
Uncensored 1965 - 1971

October 1954

Christine Jorgensen Uncensored

October 1954

Fire Island: What's Doin' in the Dunes?

this page gets around the the gay angle...

March 1955

The Men in Liberace's Life


August 1956

How Gay Can the Virgin Islands Get?


September 1956

The Royal Fling Rainier Forgot

November 1956

Love in Women's Prison



December 1956

The 'Christine' Who Fooled Farouk, and the Experts!


The Whispers Adlai Stevenson Couldn't Stop
December 1956

October 1961

U.S. Gangsters Go Swish

April 1962

Girl Athletes Who Switch Sex

Feb 1964

The Very Queer State of British Morals

June 1964

Why Those Gay Boys Travel Abroad

( can you provide the rest of the article? )

and, from the Letters section of August issue, referring to the above

August 1964

Those Limp Wrists Still Swish in the State Department

Download the Entire Article

and, I was surprised to find this ad in this issue...

October 1964

Do Homos Want to Be Cured?


If anyone can contribute scanned articles to this page, it would be appreciated