
1318 Westheimer

1996 - 2000

Rascals was a popular Houston Black gay bar,
and was Not the cabaret club, located at 2302 Kirby from 1982-1986

History of that location

Gay Bar genesis:
Posada del Sol, 1973-1974
Annex, 1974
Inside Outside, 1974-1981
Montrose Pub, 1981-1982
Texas Renegades, 1983- Jan 1984
Studio 13, 1984-1993
Rascals, 1996-2000
Bartini, 2005-2010




above, Rascals ad in the 1996 Miss Camp America Program









Oddly, the above was the last TWT Guide Listing including Rascals,
although it lasted all through that year and at least through April 2000.
Did they just decide ads were not worth the money to them?

Rascals advertized heavily in Clikque Magazine
These four are from the August 1998 issue


And these five pages were in Clikque, December 1998


Grover Fortenberry
Entertainment Promoter and a Founder of Galveston Splash


Again, heavy advertizing in the Clikque July 1999 issue

Clikque Sept 1999


April 2000 Clikque ads

When did it close?




1318 Westheimer is currently the home of the Royal Oak Bar & Grill