Tabloid Homosexuality

the 1950s/60s

Confidential, along with its Tabloid Rivals, Whisper,
Uncensored, Vice Squad & More
ruled the supermarket check-out aisles

/ Exposed
He / Hush Hush
Inside Story
Jet Magazine
(this page)
National Spotlite

issues shown roughly in date order

Lowdown 1956-1958
Lowdown 1959-1966

November 1959

How Johnnie Ray Regained His Manhood

The Growing Menace of British Fags

March 1960

Pansies Grow in Teenage Jungles

September 1962

Why I Became a Homosexual

November 1962

America's Filthiest Sorority: Homosexual Women!

May 1963

Your Son May Become a Homosexual

July 1963

Prison Made Me a Lesbian

oh, I think the photo is above is from the 40s/50s, not the 60s...

November 1963

Case History of a Lesbian Housewife

And an ad in this issue for Nights of Love in Lesbos

January 1964

Those Slimy Homo Havens

March 1966

The Lowdown on a Lesbian Massage Parlor
An Interview with a Sex Change Case



If anyone can contribute scanned articles to this page, it would be appreciated