George Country Sports Bar

617 Fairview, 77006
Facebook Page


George 360° Photos
(by Brett Buffalo)

A short feature on ABC13 news, 6/22/21


George's opened in May 2006....
but let's go back and reclaim that location's prior history

Past Time

While the bar did little advertising, I was able to find the first listing in
the TWT Guide section was 12/16/88...
and the last listing in MAP was 12/6/96

Bricks II

Bricks II opened 1/15/97

was there a Bricks I ?
well, yes, but it was in Denver...the owner David Parker
moved to Houston and bought the Past Time and renamed it

the article below about the opening was interesting,
because the article beside it, about the Grey Party
included a photo of Walter Pollpeter, who is now
manager of George's


Below, photo shows owner David Parker, in short pants

1998 Pride Parade

Owner of Bricks II, David Parker, is shown in the ad below


And George Konar was working at Bricks II and bought the place...
He previously was a bartender at JRs











Photos from the net....








They have a very popular (and excellent) Steak Night

See their Facebook Page



and, you should not confuse all this with another George's.....

...which was a musical....

and there's a Facebook Page

and in case that page doesn't stick here