A growing resource of mostly Houston LGBT history, with considerable statewide and national information




This Week in Texas (TWT) is the magazine many of us in the state grew up with, perhaps came out with, welcomed us when we moved here, and was certainly one of the main cultural sources for the LGBT community. There were of course other publications in the state, such as a number of newspapers in the major cities that came and went over time, but TWIT (as most called it) seemed to capture the spirit of a growing "gay" culture.

TWT PDF Files: 1975 to 2013

Other Publications

Plus, Emphasis Mine is a terrific directory
of where to find digital archives.
And, another good link to archive links,
with a separate Link for Florida.

Gay Houston, per The Advocate: 1975 -- 1982  
Gay Houston, per Other Magazines


 March on Washington Programs
     1979, 1987. 1993

 Additions are added often, so please check back

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