A growing resource of mostly Houston LGBT history, with considerable statewide information

Photo Galleries


Gay Pride Week & Parade 1979   (~500 photos)

1979 March on Washington (~700 photos)

Pre-MOW Philly Conference

Stonewall 25 NYC 1994 March  

Town Meeting 1 Photos & Etc

Photo Gallery, 1978-79, from Upfront

Drag Photos, Newly Discovered, late 70s

Easter Sleaze Bonnet Contest 1981

Westheimer Arts Festival Spring 1981 & 1982

Dallas Cedar Springs Photos 1981

Tea for 2000 Parties

Follyball Fest, 1977 to 2000  

Gay Political Caucus 1978-79 Photos  

Gay San Antonio, 1957

Harvey Milk Vigil 1978  

Buffalo, Houston Man's Candid Polaroids from 1969  

Patrick Miller and (naughty) friends

Marion Pantzer & Ricci Cortez 1950s Album

Military Ball, 1976, Levi's

Montrose Day at Astroworld, 1979  

Montrose Gay Businesses

Mr Gay Texas, 1974-1989
Mr Gay Texas 1983

Muscles in Action, CJ Harrington's Dance Troupe, 1989

Come Boogie with the Band, 1979  

Patricia Nell Warren 1979 Houston Book Tour

Ray Hill & Charles Law debate bible bigots on the radio

Gay Fest, Sept 79   

Village People in Houston 1979

San Antonio Drag, 1930s-1940s

Female Impersonation in Corpus Christi, 1936/37

Xmas Tree Incident (Ray Hill) 1979  

MOW Fundraiser 1979  

Macho Man Contest, January 1979  

"No on 6" Campaign Efforts in Houston, Oct 1978

PWA Carnival, at Mary's, 1997  

Upfront Dinner Meeting, April 1979


60s Photo Collection, perhaps from NY    

Dick Pics...sort of, military frolics from the 50s

Record Dudes, okay, naked guys with vinyl

Pride Parade 1980  

Pride Parade 1981 +Video

Pride Parade 1982  +Video

Pride Parade 1983 +Video

Pride Parade 1984

Pride Parade 1985 +Video

Pride Parade 1986 +Videos 

Pride Parade 1987

Pride Parade 1988 +Video

Pride Parade 1989  

Pride Parade 1990

Pride Parade 1991 +Video  

Pride Parade 1992  

Pride Parade 1993  

Pride Parade 1994   

Pride Parade 1995  

Pride Parade 1996  

Pride Parade 1997  +Video

Pride Parade 1998  +Video

Pride Parade 1999

Pride Parade 2000 

Pride Parade 2001  

Pride Parade 2002  

Pride 2003, 25th Anniv Video

Pride Parade, 2004   

Pride Parade 2005 +Video   

Pride Parade 2006  

Pride Parade 2007   

Pride Parade 2008  

Pride Parade 2009

Pride Parade 2010

Pride Parade 2011

Pride Parade 2012

Pride Parade 2013

Pride Parade 2014

Pride Parade 2015

Pride Parade 2016

Pride Parade 2017

Pride Parade 2018

Pride Parade 2019

Pride Rally 2020

Pride, 2021

Pride Parade 2022 +Video

Pride Parade 2023

Black Pride 2023