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In the June 16, 1978 issue of the early Houston gay publication, LXIX,
David Reneau wrote:

"Let's look at where we are now. With a little bit of caution and a small amount of prior preparedness we can spend our evenings and weekends just about any way we see fit. But what about the days? It's back to the closet from 8 till 5. We must be on constant guard as to what we say. We are forced to look at the ones we love with all of our very being and not be able to touch or love just because he or she is of the same sex……..In effect, we must, at this point continue to remain 'night people' and be ridiculed, accused of being immoral, and have our dreams and desires controlled and restricted by a ruling majority. It's up to all of us, repeat, all of us to stand up and be seen to effect a change."


The Banner Project was developed by Sara Fernandez, with main project team members including Kirk Baxter and JD Doyle. It has received considerable content materials from members of Houston ARCH.

The Houston Area Rainbow Collective History (Houston ARCH) is a consortium that supports the collection and preservation of local LGBT community history and expands digital access to related historical materials.

Members and member organizations include:
Botts Collection of LGBT History, Inc.  (Larry Criscione)
Charles W. Botts Memorial Research Library of GLBT Studies
The Gulf Coast Archive and Museum of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
    Transgender History, Inc (Judy Reeves)
The Transgender Foundation of America Archival Collection
Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library
Rice University
University of Houston
Texas Obituary Project
and and JD Doyle Archives
Texas Southern University

In the photos of the banner at the left are individuals and representatives of Houston's archival organizations and private collections, including:

The Old Lesbian Oral History Project (OLOHP, Arden Eversmeyer)
Brandon Wolf, Historian and Journalist

Dalton DeHart Photo Collection