The Banner Project
An Exhibition of Houston LGBT History

A Phone Version Walking Tour

This is a stream-lined version to read the essays
as you walk by a display, ie, at the Montrose Center.
Just the Banners and text are given. Original links to
additional information remain if you enter the first link above.

But the Phone Version Tour starts here...

The Banner Project (Houston, TX)
Sara Fernandez, Kirk Baxter, JD Doyle

To make the project more availaible to the community,
we can use your help. While the Banner count has
stopped at 50, there remain costs...the Banners are
available in four sizes and require maintenance.

Donate with this button

Please help Honor Our History. This site is part of the JD Doyle Archives, which has been
approved by the IRS for 501c3 non-profit status, so all donations are tax deductible.

The Banner Project was originally undertaken as a display for the Creating Change Conference
held in Houston in early 2014. It featured colorful banners that celebrated 27 LGBTQ+ events
and people, covering 11 decades of Houston history. Since the initial showing, the banners have
been used as a pop- up exhibit at various events and new banners have been added. There are
now 50 banners (covering 1930-2017), which allow viewers to quickly grasp an overview of
Houston LGBTQ history.
Text by Sara Fernandez, 2021

A Part of the Website Houston LGBT